5 tips to boost your self confidence

Have you ever come across someone in the street who is totally captivating?
Someone who walks like the world belongs to them, and everything is possible for them?
Someone who attracts all eyes, and who does not feel intimidated by so much attention?
You know what differentiates these people from average people?
It’s their self-confidence!

Concretely, what is self-confidence?

Believing in yourself means believing that you have all the resources you need within you to face any situation. This implies a certain amount of self-knowledge: your qualities, your faults, your strengths, your shortcomings, etc. This knowledge then allows you to develop a belief in your abilities, your judgment, your choices, and your values.

We must be careful not to confuse self-confidence with arrogance.
Arrogance leads us to believe that we are better than others.
Self-confidence teaches us that we are not in competition with anyone else.

How to become confident?

It is not a “static” state, but can vary depending on the events and circumstances you are faced with.
While it may seem natural and innate to some people, self-confidence is a quality that can be learned, like an art; and developed, like a muscle.

We share with you 5 simple tips to apply every day to boost your self-confidence:

1. Positive affirmations

Did you know that your brain works like a computer? It stores your ideas, your beliefs, the way you have lived certain experiences; and will transform all of this into a program that dictates your way of being and perceiving things.
What does that mean?
Everything you say, and think, becomes your reality . If you repeat to yourself every day that you are not capable, not good enough, that you lack strength, you will believe it and act as such.

Positive affirmations help you reprogram your brain to believe in yourself.
Here are 05 affirmations that you can repeat to yourself every day, at any time. The more often you repeat them, the faster they will anchor themselves in your subconscious:

  1. I am able to make all my dreams come true.
  2. I am strong and full of energy.
  3. My ideas and feelings have value.
  4. I am an amazing and interesting person.
  5. I’m growing and improving every day.

2. Set achievable goals

The fastest way to give up and lose confidence is to set goals that are too far removed from your current situation.
Start with goals that are within your reach . The dopamine your body will secrete from achieving these short-term goals will give you the stimulus to persevere in your efforts, and will increase your self-esteem.

For example, if you have never been an athlete before, setting yourself the goal of participating in the Olympic Games will seem impossible.
On the other hand, by following a simpler plan, you will have more motivation:
– You can plan 15 minutes of sport per day for 15 days,
– Then increase to 30 minutes per day for 15 days,
– Then, move on to more intensive training,
– And then you can start counting the stadium laps that you are capable of,
– Then evolve to try to do better times in your laps.

3. Celebrate your victories, even the smallest ones.

As explained above, your body secretes dopamine (the happy hormone) with each of your accomplishments. If you only focus on the biggest accomplishments, you deprive yourself of the joy and pride that you should be entitled to, by celebrating each of your successes.

Don’t wait until you can do 5 laps of the stadium in 10 minutes to applaud yourself.
From the first 15-minute workout session, give yourself recognition for your effort .
This way, you will cultivate this feeling of pride more often, which will increase your self-confidence in the long term.

4. Take care of yourself

By taking care of yourself, you teach your subconscious that you are important and valuable.
Your hygiene, your choice of clothing, your lifestyle; all shape your self-esteem.
Taking a moment a week or a month to focus entirely on your Well-Being will help you appreciate more the person you are.

Here are some ideas for self-care practices:
1. Go for a walk in nature: Fresh air is a good ally to get rid of negative energies
2. Meditating and/or praying helps you to anchor yourself spiritually
3. Take care of your appearance: try new looks, test makeup, do treatments, etc.
4. Play sports: Being active is a great way to increase your well-being

Makeup is a really good way to give some love to yourself. If you’re new to this, you may want to know how to learn makeup and how long it can take.

5. Accept being a beginner

Too often, we give up at the first sign of difficulty, which leads our brain to believe that we do not have the ability to succeed. And by operating this way in all aspects of our lives, this belief becomes more and more anchored in us, and makes us lose all our confidence.

Just because you don’t get it right the first time, doesn’t mean you’re not capable of achieving your goals. Every master was once a beginner.

Accept making mistakes, learn from them, which will help you move a little further towards your dreams. Congratulate yourself for the courage you have to undertake something new, and give yourself time to fully discover everything you are capable of.

If you’re one of those people who too often forgets how awesome they are, we hope these tips will help you rediscover that sparkle you already have within you.

Remember, self-confidence is not a destination, but a way of experiencing the journey.


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