Your client’s consultation should be the first and most crucial step in any makeup application as a makeup artist. This is where you will find out everything about your clients, from their likes and dislikes to their wants and needs.

These questions will not only give you a clue on the nature of makeup to apply on your client, but more importantly, it helps ensure the best possible relationship and makeup result ever!


If you’re not sure of what to ask, here are 5 questions a professional makeup artist should ask;




1) Are you allergic or sensitive to anything?


This is one of the vital questions to ask. When it comes to applying makeup like a pro, your number one concern should be your client’s safety. It is important to gather all relevant information about your client before touching their face.

You don’t want to make yourself available for a lawsuit, and not only that, and you wouldn’t want to leave your clients traumatized after a makeup session with you. You have to address their allergies and the kinds of stuff they are sensitive to in order to stock your kits with the appropriate items.

This will help you know what you can and cannot use on that client. If your client were allergic to silicon, you would not be able to use silica or talc powder on them. So as a makeup artist, you must have alternative products ready to use.





2) What style of makeup are you looking for?


This question is important because you want to know their expectations before you try to meet them. Sometimes, they may show pictures of celebrities donning a relatively simple look that they swear they want, but it may not necessarily meet their expectation.

Other times, what they want is actually what they need. It is up to you as the expert to advise them and provides them with what is best for them. With that being said, make sure you constantly communicate with them before making any changes or suggestions.

Not just the style of makeup they are looking for, but also the event they would use the makeup for. Even when the client insists on something you think could go wrong, don’t hold back. In a calm and professional manner, explain to the client why you think it wouldn’t work and offer an alternative.


Remember, you are the professional here, so you would have to provide ideas, advice, and options that would enhance their look.




3) How much makeup do you usually wear?


You may think they hired you for a photo shoot or a wedding, so why does their makeup routine matter. Well, it really does matter!

With this question, you will find out that different clients have different ways of wearing their makeup. Some wear a minimal amount of makeup, while others wear a more prominent quantity. You don’t have to choose thick heavy makeup for someone who wears very little makeup, as they may not feel like themselves. It is essential to listen to your clients and ensure they get the looks they want.


If they are not used to wearing full-face makeup and suddenly, they have thick and heavy makeup and foundation, it may freak them out. And that is absolutely something that shouldn’t be happening.


If you are going to be applying a full beat makeup or there is a need to switch up the foundation consistency, make sure they are aware of the reason behind it or the benefit of that particular type of foundation over the other.


Always explain why you’re using anything outside their usual norm. You don’t want to make them feel like a stranger in their own skin. Understanding the daily makeup routine of your clients will give you a good insight into their preferred style!

4) Do you have an idea or a picture you would like us to use?

 A good reference idea or picture would go a long way. It can be a celebrity picture, a wedding magazine, or just a random makeup picture.

 Some clients would want a replica of the photograph, while others would like an idea from the picture. This is when you have to communicate with them and explain why they won’t look the same on them and let them know what you would be doing. This will help them feel more comfortable with your skills. 


5) Do you have any concerns that you would like me to address?

This question is best to create a rapport between you and your client. The client gets the chance to discuss any other thing bothering or giving them concerns aside from these previous questions you ask. At this stage, you can have an in-depth conversation with your clients, teach them some of your knowledge, and assure them of their fears.


These concerns may include skin irritations, dryness, oiliness, discoloration, dark circles, and acne. This would be when you have to suggest new products to them or show them new techniques on how to cover up their problems.


You can also ask them if they would like any particular part to be enhanced or minimized- like nose or lips.

There could also be some colors or rituals to avoid in a case of a wedding or so many other concerns a new bride may want to discuss with you. It is best to lend them a listening ear, support, and care to put them at ease