11 Ways to increase your income as a makeup artist

During COVID, many have been forced to close their doors, and we have all seen the importance of not relying on a single source of income.

In this article, I share with you ideas to increase your income. I have personally tried many of these ideas and let me tell you that you can’t do everything. Depending on your personality and skills, you will be more likely to succeed in executing certain ideas while others will not.

To increase your income, you can:

Offer online courses (individual and group)

A “passive” way to make money is to pre-register an online course. I say passive, however it requires a lot of effort and perseverance at the outset, but can be lucrative. Once the video is recorded, your clients can purchase the course without you having to put in an extra effort. Unfortunately and fortunately, there is a lot of free content online. All a customer has to do is go on YouTube and watch how to make her makeup. However, if you have an innovative way and good marketing, you can convince many to attend your classes. Note that creating a pre-recorded course requires equipment (or a team of videographers) and a lot of perseverance.

Equipment required:

– Audio and video equipment (or video crew)

– A platform to put the course: Website, Kasubi, podia, thinkific, LMS

– Software to create your visuals: Canva, Photoshop, etc.

-Software to edit your videos: Première pro, Finalcut pro, movavi

Deliver online courses live

This is one of my favorite methods. You give an individual or group course online. The good thing about this method is that you do the class and it’s over. If you’ve made small mistakes, you don’t have to repeat them several times (unlike pre-recorded courses). It’s more interactive because you’re talking live to your students. This method is not passive, as your income depends on the time spent doing the courses online.

Equipment required:

-Software that allows you to do webinars: Zoom

Make paid beauty events

This method will be more effective when we have the opportunity to come together. You can organize seminars on beauty, self-acceptance, makeup, and much more. You can have makeup parties, a gala, even a fashion show. However, you must be organized and like to contact different suppliers/partners.

Conduct on-site courses

If you’re comfortable talking in public and teaching, you can teach makeup classes. You only need a local and you can start sharing your knowledge.

Increase your prices

This is the easiest way to get more revenue. However, you have to be careful and carefully analyse your clientele. Will the increase mean that you have fewer clients? If you have fewer clients, the increase makes up for that decrease. It is necessary to analyse the market, its skills, and the clientele to make such a decision.

Equipment required: None (you may need to invest in better products to increase the quality of your work).

Provide ancillary/related service (hairstyle, photography)

Do you have another talent? You could merge your makeup talent with this one. Increasing the number of services offered is a good way to increase your income. If you like hairstyle, you can make a combo + makeup. Photography? Do you like to do nails? Do you want to do massages, beauty services, semi-permanent makeup, or even tattoos? Several other services can be combined with the makeup service that will significantly increase your income.

Becoming a member

Several makeup companies offer the possibility of becoming affiliated. Note that the margins produced by companies can be low, so they generally don’t offer a huge percentage. However, if you have a large community, the small amounts can be much higher. You can also partner with a local company that can offer you a higher percentage (e.g., photographer, hairdresser, etc..) For example, Anaivi offers an affiliate service to those who are interested. Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more. Generally, the affiliation of service or digital product is higher than that of a physical product. Note that when you post a photo or video, nothing prevents you from adding an affiliate link.

Selling a product

You can create a product that your customers would be interested in buying. You have to adapt your offer according to your audience and their interests. e. i: If you are a makeup artist who specializes in creating FULL GLAM makeup, it is better to offer voluminous false eyelashes including your logo to your clients instead of natural false eyelashes. You can think “outside the box” and make clothes/T-shirt with make-up visuals.

Increase the shopping cart of your existing customers.

A customer who has already purchased one of your services is more likely to return than someone who has never tried your service. You can offer them a premium service, or a different “upsell” service such as false eyelashes, glitter, different makeup, etc. This customer’s cart value increases, which increases your income.

Write an e-book

There are not many books available regarding makeup. You can do your research and create an online book that will help makeup artists or even makeup practitioners. You can even put it up for sale on Amazon and offer it to your customers.

Selling digital products

Facechart, contrat, templates, budget, preset.. The list goes on and on. If you are skilled online, you can create and market your product.

What do you think of these tricks? These are some important tips and tricks you can follow.

There are several other tips to increase your income as a makeup artist, if you have any that are not on this list, feel free to add them.



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